Peter's Solaris Zone
Jingle provides a small number of utility classes for simplifying
development of Java applications using Swing. Requires
- JingleCheckList
- Construct a panel with a list of checkboxes.
- JingleHLabel
- Creates an (optionally coloured) label, with and optional tooltip.
- JingleHPane
- A JTextPane supporting html.
- JingleInfoFrame
- A popup window suitable for about or help windows.
- JingleMultiFrame
- A registry of JFrames. Allows an application to have multiple windows
open and for the user to close just the one window or exit the entire
- JingleResources
- Allows the other jingle classes to get strings from a resource bundle.
- JingleScrolledTextPanel
- A Scrollable panel containing Text.
- JingleTabbedPane
- A tabbed pane with slideshow.
- JingleTextPanel
- A Scrollable panel containing Text.
- JingleTextWindow
- A window containing a panel of text.
- JingleUtils
- Simple routines to center windows, create standard menus, and
standard popups.
- JingleVPanel
- A JPanel that scrolls vertically but will squeeze horizontally.
- SpringUtilities
- The helper class from the Swing tutorial for dealing with SpringLayout.
- TableSorter
- The TableSorter class from the Swing tutorial. Still useful if
you still use Java 5 or earlier.
- JingleTextPane
- A Simple Text Pane.
- JingleIntTextField
- A JTextField that accepts only integer input.
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