The structure of the depolarizing halo

I will assume that the sources are in galaxy clusters, which have hot X-ray emitting gas (Sarazin 1988), cooling flows (Fabian, Nulsen & Canizares 1991), and magnetic fields (Kim, Tribble & Kronberg 1991). There are several motivations for this. Wide angle tail quasars are believed to lie in dense environments (Hintzen, Ulvestad & Owen 1983). Optical studies (Yee & Green 1987; Yates, Miller & Peacock 1989) have shown an excess of galaxies around quasars and radio galaxies at high redshift (up to z~0.8). Radio galaxies at intermediate redshift are in rich environments (Hill & Lilly 1991). The optical emission lines around some quasars give pressures typical of cooling flows (Crawford, Fabian & Johnstone 1988; Forbes et al. 1990). This suggests an analogy with Cygnus A and 3C295, powerful classical doubles having large RM fluctuations which lie at the centres of cluster cooling flows (Dreher et al. 1987; Perley & Taylor 1991).

The RM is

RM = 810 integral (1+z)^{-2} n_e B.dl, (4)

where n_e is the electron density per cm^3, B is the magnetic field in microGauss and l the path length in kpc. The factor (1+z)^-2 where z is the redshift of the intervening material allows for the fact that the wavelength where rotation occurs differs from that observed. The RM distribution can be described statistically by the RM autocorrelation function xi(s),

xi(s) = <RM(x) RM(x+s)>, (5)

where x are coordinates on the sky and s the projected separation.

The RM autocorrelation function is

xi(s) = (1+z)^{-4} < 810^2double integral dzdz' n_e(z)n_e(z') B_z(x,z)B_z(x+s,z')>, (6)

and the <...> can be taken inside the integral and applied to the magnetic field only to give the magnetic field autocorrelation function <B_z(x,z)B_z(x+s,z')> equivalent
to R_zz (Batchelor 1953). R_ij is an isotropic second order tensor that may conveniently be written in terms of normalized longitudinal and lateral correlation functions f and g,

R_ij(r)= (<B^2>/3)[(f-g / r^2)r_ir_j + gdelta_ij], (7)

where r^2=s^2+(z-z')^2. The constraint div.B=0 implies that g=f+rf'/2. R_zz may therefore be written as

R_zz(s,z-z')= (<B^2>/3) [f+(s^2/2r)(df/dr)]. (8)

Further progress relies on knowledge of the form of the longitudinal correlation function f. Ideally, this would be determined from the data. Failing this, I use a Gaussian as an illustration,

f(r) = exp(-r^2/2r_0^2). (9)

If r_0 is small then the Gaussian can be approximated by a Dirac delta function which can be integrated out,

xi(s) = sqrt(2pi 810^2 / 3(1+z)^4) integral dz n_e^2(z) <B^2> r_0 exp(-s^2/2r_0^2)[1-(s^2 / 2r_0^2)], (10)

where n_e, B and r_0 are functions of cluster radius R. When s=0, sigma^2 = <RM^2> = xi(0) is given as a function of projected radius S,

sigma^2 = sqrt(2pi 810^2 / 3(1+z)^4) integral dz r_0n_e^2<B^2>. (11)

Assuming that the electron density, magnetic field strength and scale length vary as power laws of radius, so that n_e=n_0(R/R_0)^(-m_n), B=B_0(R/R_0)^(-m_b), and r_0=epsilon_0(R/R_0)^(m_r), gives

sigma^2 = sqrt(2pi 810^2 /3(1+z)^4) epsilon_0 R_0 B_0^2 n_0^2 (S/R_0)^{-2m_n-2m_b+m_r+1} integral dx (1+x^2)^{-m_n-m_b+m_r/2} (12)

where x=z/S. The above procedure does not depend on the choice of f - any function forming a delta-sequence will give the same result, to within a constant factor of order unity.

Fig 2. The mean square RM for the west lobe of Cygnus A. The dotted line is the best fit power law with m=1.1.

In equation (12) only the integral differs between the two sides of a source (assuming, for simplicity, that the scale lengths are the same). Defining m=m_n+m_b-m_r/2-1/2, then sigma ~ S^-m. All that is now needed is an estimate of the index m. In Fig. 2 I show <RM^2> as a function of radius in the west lobe of Cygnus A (the east lobe has larger RMs but is depolarized and the radial range of the data is much smaller). Also shown is the best fit power law with m=1.1, which was fitted after removing isolated pixels and features such as the radio-quiet bowshock (Carilli, Perley & Dreher 1988). This power law is not a strong result as the RM distribution is poorly sampled and a mean trend is also present. It does, however, give a substantially weaker RM variation than predicted by Soker & Sarazin (1990), and is consistent with isotropic flux-freezing in a n_e~1/r inflow.

If the source is at an angle theta_0 to the plane of the sky then the RM dispersion in the front (+) and back (-) lobes are given by

sigma_plus/minus^2 ~ S^{-2m} integral_{plus/minustheta_0}^{pi/2} (costheta)^{2m-1}dtheta. (13)

I define the dispersion ratio D as the ratio sigma_+/sigma_-. This is tabulated for some values of m in Table 1. I will take m=1 which fits the available data and is simple to use.

m        D

0.5 sqrt[(pi/2-theta_0)/(pi/2+theta_0)] 1 sqrt[(1-sintheta_0)/(1+sintheta_0)] 1.5 sqrt[(pi-2theta_0-sintheta_0)/(pi+2theta_0+sintheta_0)] 2 sqrt[(2-3 sintheta_0+sin^3theta)/(2+3sintheta_0-sin^3theta_0)]

Table 1. The dispersion ratio D as a function of the angle theta_0 of the source axis to the plane of the sky for different values of the power law index m.

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Peter Tribble,