Orientations for a Burn law

If the polarization varies as a Burn law then the depolarization---defined as DP=p(lambda_2)/p(lambda_1) where lambda is the observed wavelength and lambda_2<lambda_1---is

DP_plus/minus = exp(-Asigma_plus/minus^2), (14)

where A is the same for both sides of the source. The dispersion ratio is

D = sqrt(ln DP_+/ln DP_-), (15)

and, for m=1, the angles are

theta_0 = arcsin[(1-D^2)/(1+D^2)]. (16)

I have evaluated the angles for the sources in the GCL sample. Of the 48 sources in the sample, 10 either repolarize or are unpolarized. A further 5 have the asymmetry in the wrong sense and give negative angles.

Up to: ___________________________________
Peter Tribble, peter.tribble@gmail.com